pernah ngga ngerasa setiap keadaan yg kita alami itu
kadang suka pas ama lagu yang lagi kita dengerin
ato pepatah ato bahasa lainnya quotes..
kita yang mencoba menyamakan keadaan dan mengkait2kan
ato emang sebenernya tu yang ngeshare quotes
or bikin lagu juga lagi ngerasa hal yg sama..
but ambil positifnya ajah ya...
sekedar penyemangat ato cuma pelipur lara hati (lebaii)
ni ada beberapa quotes moga bisa menjadi inspirasi
- Stop trying to be better than someone you hate. Hatred doesn't make anyone better. Be better than yourself.
- There's somebody out there for everybody. You just have to wait for God to bring them into your life
- Pain is worsening as you try to show a smile. Ladies... It's ok to cry, to scream it from your heart so you can smile after
- Don't cry over the past, cry to get over the past. Don't smile to hide the pain, smile to heal the pain
- Don't complain when God gives you what you want in a way that you didn't want. Just realize that got what you asked for
- Never stress about what's gone. Cherish what you have, and stay excited about what's coming.
- Sometimes its better to be kind than right. We don't need a brilliant mind that speaks, but a patient heart who listens
- Life's too short to keep reminiscing about your EX when you could be kissing your NEXT
- Never tear your woman down or never let her cry because sooner or later she'll be saying goodbye.
- Sometimes the eyes say what the lips don't know how to
- Pretending to be someone your not is a waste of the person you are
- God can heal your broken heart. You just have to be willing to surrender all the broken pieces
- If you have a mate, you're lucky. Treasure each other, for you never know how long you have with each other.
- If you really want a great relationship, the key is to understand what your mate is feeling, not saying
- You can have friendship and you can have love. But when they are together, its called Great Love!
- Learn from the past, apply what you learned in the present and a better future will be on its way.
- I'd rather be knocked down by the truth, than killed by the lies
- Time makes us forget memories, but a few memories make us forget time; they make life worthwhile
- When others can not forgive you, then it's time to forgive yourself & pray for them
- Never regret the things that made you smile, just learn from the tears that followed
- Maafkanlah kesalahan masa lalu, tegaslah membebaskan diri untuk hidup seutuhnya sekarang, dan dimasa depan.
Kereeeenn..... ^^
BalasHapusReally like numero uno ^^